My background is in programming languages: I did my PhD on typed functional programming at UCSD with Nadia Polikarpova. My dissertation explored rich type systems and their use in program synthesis. I've also worked on language design for next-gen EDA, implemented high-performance numerical analysis with GPUs, investigated Halide as a compiler IR for optimizing matrix operations, and contributed to the L.B. Stanza language.
Teaching was a highlight of grad school. I was an instructor for courses on programming languages and discrete math.
Fast Distributed Selection with Graphics Processing Units
Jeffrey D. Blanchard, Ruizhe Fu, and Tristan Knoth
In submission (2024)
Liquid Resource Types
Tristan Knoth, Di Wang, Adam Reynolds, Jan Hoffmann, and Nadia Polikarpova
ICFP 2020
Resource-Guided Program Synthesis
Tristan Knoth, Di Wang, Nadia Polikarpova, and Jan Hoffmann
PLDI 2019